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Chiara Damiolini

Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Office: PMA 12.130


My research explores the role of representation theoretical objects in algebraic geometry. My main work focuses on the study and development of a generalized notion of conformal blocks from an algebraic geometric point of view. I am interested in particular in how these objects relate to moduli spaces of principal bundles and of stable curves. You can learn more about this using these slides, or these ones. For more introductory slides on the use of representation theory in algebraic geometry, see here. You can find my CV here.


I am currently an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Before I was a postdoc in the Math department at the University of PennsylvaniaI was previously a Hill Assistant professor at Rutgers University and an Instructor and Lecturer at Princeton University.


Here you can find my present and past collaborators:

Pieter BelmansEmily Clader, Christopher EurHans FranzenAngela Gibney, Jiuzu Hong, Victoria HoskinsDaoji Huang, Danny KrashenShiyue LiSvetlana Makarova, Rohini Ramadas, Lisanne TaamsTuomas Tajakka and Nicola Tarasca.

During my PhD at the University of Duisburg-Essen I worked with Jochen Heinloth.

Chiara Damiolini


Chiara Damiolini

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